Monday, March 3, 2014

Weary Wanderings...

Traveled and Tired
Feet flattened by the path pushing back
A variety of trials , tests, and ill-timed chores
Take toll

Terrible winters
Something looming:
The coming of spring?
Forcing me out when the timing
Finds ill.

Rushed meals and inspirations aplenty. The working-weekend meant many efforts and only more desire. Perhaps a stew is a thing for you. Tempting are leftovers of Tagine unfinished at first taste. Cultured, art we, who make yogurt for free
Plus the cost of Milk, maybe.

No recipes just thoughts today. A joyous welcome to March, to begin; Mardi Gras and a Tuesday to feel fat and satisfied. I pick up new hours at my bakery in the hopes of finding myself, not just a pocket full of change.
Penny for your thoughts?
These days I would trade all the pennies in two-pence to send home to the love I seek.
No, not Whole Foods.
But, I digress.

Here is my salute to the March, coming like a Lion:
Yogurt made with Heirloom cultures, reusable and unique from Cultures for Health

Tagine of Couscous, vegetables a-many. Too salty at first, but 40 minutes, too short, to make a Tagine-proper. A night in Tupperware made it all the better!

And a Nola Catfish Stew to share with you. Inspired by to search by the season, the recipe made anew
  • 1/2 White Onion, halved and sliced into 1/2" thick strips
  • 2 cans Diced tomatoes, low sodium but both with salt
    • But if not, add stock
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp Evoo
  • 1/2 Yellow Squash or Zucchini, maybe diced
  • 1/4 cup Edemame, Lima Beans, or Green peas
  • 1 cup diced Celery + leafy ends chopped
  • 1/2 - 3/4 lbs Catfish filet(s)
    • I used a Cajun spiced packaged variety. It helped!
  • 1/2 cup Frozen corn, Freshly shucked if you please!

  • Bread to Serve, Steamed Kale to round out colorfully
  • More spice, always nice and a touch of cream? I added a splash of yogurt but too little to tell. Maybe add that white wine in the recipe, I had none (I'm a Red guy, really)

More promise of a success story this week, but for now a need of break.
Learning to rest and giving up exhaustion? Perhaps this shall be my lent.

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